Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mini Cheesecakes

I received a mini cheesecake order from one of my friend. I am pretty excited about this mini project because I have not bake mini cheesecake for a long long time. Hope my friend will enjoy these little cute mini...

New York Cheesecake

Nutty Blueberry Cheesecake

Chocz Cheesecake

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yup, xj, thanks for the cakes :)
my colleagues n frds love them, it taste nice and smooth :)

if there is really any -ve comments, it had to be from my bro:

1) The cheesecake had to stay in the fridge (> 2hrs after open air), something which is abit of restriction.

2) he loved the other cheesecake compared to choco, cuz he find choco cheesecake too light for his preference, perheps, the choco cheesecake is more for ladies? :)

for myself, i like the cheesecake as it don't gives me a very bad after taste.. something which puts me off after eating normal cots cheesecake, as i tend to get sick of it after the 3 or 4th bite :P